
Welcome to the MineYourMind Web-Shop.

This shop provides all sort of packages that you can buy to support the MineYourMind Network. A detailed overview of the ranks which are different per Server but global can be found on our website.


Important for successful purchases:

  • allow cookies, unfortunately this shop doesn't work without them :(
  • double-check the name you enter and keep in mind that it is CaSe-SeNsItIvE
  • if you are under 18 years old, get your parental consent
  • don't use e-checks, they take weeks to process and tend to fail
  • a purchase can take up to 30 minutes


What is the income used for?

  • Hardware (e.g. Servers, Backups)
  • Software (e.g. Forum, TeamSpeak)
  • Donations to developers
  • Custom development
  • Taxes (despite most other servers of our size, are we registered and pay taxes)
  • Accountant and tax consultants


Advantage | Pay2Win? 

All our tiers and kits are designed to make the life of our sponsors a bit easier, in order to give a reason for sponsoring. We are not a fan of pay2win, but have to pay our bills, which is why we don't sell op perks like creative on survival servers and why perks like godmode don't work on PVP servers. The kits are designed to save about 3-4 hours of playtime to gather the basics, but don't give any end game content. Furthermore, do we have a crackpack server where no in-game content is given to sponsors. (only cosmetic things like chat title, nickname change, colors in chat…)


Something went wrong, or you did not receive your package within half a day?
If you did not receive your package within half a day or something went wrong, please don't hesitate to contact us via our forums. The forums are the fastest way to get a hold of the right people to solve the issue as fast as possible.


The packages you can buy on this shop are virtual and don't have a real equivalent. Furthermore, you get direct access to them, and you can't replace them or the time taken, this means there will be no refunds granted. 

The attempt of bypassing the refund policy (e.g. none authorized disputes with your credit card institute or PayPal) result in a permanent ban from the mineyourmind network. In a case of abuse, this can also lead to a police investigation.

If you have serious financial issues, contact us, and we might be able to work something out - We are not a profit-hungry group, but we have to protect ourselves from abuse.

MineYourMind is not affiliated with Minecraft and Mojang AB. Neither should it be considered a company endorsed by Mojang, AB.

Any purchases made on this store go to MineYourMind.net.